Monday, December 31, 2018

Partner in Crime

This is my mom's grandson,
so I guess that makes me his Aunt Lucy.
But he doesn't call me Aunt Lucy.
Mostly he calls me the "Widdle Gog".
As in "I wuv dis widdle gog. I needs one at my house"
Don't let my face full you.
I actually like when he visits because he's 
very rough and tumble like me. 
He even tried to play with me by chewing on my bone 
and carrying around my toy in his mouth.

Friday, December 28, 2018

Introductions or Butt Sniffing if You Will

This is me.
I go by Lucy.
Or sometimes Lucy Lu, sometimes Lulu
sometimes Lu,
sometimes Nutsy and
sometimes Bad Dog! Bad Dog!
I'm a Boston Terrier Mix.
My dad was full blooded Boston Terrier,
and my mom was a who knows what.
This is my birth mom.
There were lots of guesses about what she might be.
Some said Basenji, some thought there was some Chihuahua in there...
but really it was anyone's guess.
The rescue had been trying to save her for a couple of years because the people who had her
just kept letting her have litter after litter.
So finally my mom and me and my siblings (a brother and 2 sisters)
were rescued when I was only 4 days old. 
This was me back then.
And me with my litter mates. 

I eventually ended up with my mom
who likes to put clothes on me.
(my dad thinks it's ridiculous)
This was my very first Christmas
when it was announced I was being adopted.
I've been on many adventures since then,
and I have many more to go on.
Stay tuned!

Partner in Crime

This is my mom's grandson, so I guess that makes me his Aunt Lucy. But he doesn't call me Aunt Lucy. Mostly he calls me t...